
We help banks communicate financial information by collaborating on International & Industry Standards.

Our work involves advising on handling of Financial Calendars & Date Time formats.
My advice generally is to use ISO 8601 date time formats; using UTC via NTP; use 00:00:00 not 24:00:00; use UTC Z for timestamps, and local time for contractual terms in local timezones.

To handle mapping between systems that do and don’t support leap seconds, half the final two seconds of one into the final second of the other, preserving order of events in a reversible mapping, at the cost of halving the subsecond precision.

It’s a fascinating area with a great deal of depth and complexity, in terms of astronomy, culture and history. How we got to our current systems is useful to understand, so that we can improve the future of these systems.

This website is to share my research and opinions on using modern Financial Calendars & Date Time formats, and on various schemes for calendar and date time reforms.